A Sacred Celebrant is someone who has been trained in the art of ceremony by the Priestess’ of Avalon (accredited by IPHM). I was one of the first seven people in the world to receive this training. We are able to create & conduct ceremonies for your different rites of passage, Handfastings, Baby Blessings etc. Our Ceremonies are conducted unscripted for the most part. The intense training we have undergone makes us very accomplished within this skill set. Like all other Celebrants, we are not able to conduct legal ceremonies; this is done by registrars or religious figureheads. We offer completely unique ceremonies as we are not held to any governmental restrictions. No restrictions means freedom for you to have a truly personal ceremony. Your ceremony can be conducted at any location and at any time of day.
Registrars can only conduct wedding ceremonies within authorised venues, at certain times of day, and with restrictions of the ceremony content. Sacred Celebrants can conduct your wedding ceremony anywhere, at any time and with your chosen content.
Registrars are not allowed, by law, to include religious or spiritual content in their marriage ceremonies. Whereas a Sacred Celebrant can include whatever content you like!
Since celebrants, of any kind, cannot conduct legally binding ceremonies, some couples opt for something like the following –
Either a couple of days before or after the Handfasting, a couple will journey to the Registry Office with two or more witnesses. Here they are legally wed in the eyes of the law. Then the couple have their Handfasting with me!
Other couples prefer to have a registrar led wedding ceremony, and then come to me for a smaller marriage blessing. This is a popular option for couples with families who feel more comfortable with modern day traditional wedding ceremonies.
There are many reasons why you would want to choose a Sacred Celebrant! One of them being how unique we are. At the moment, there are only a handful of us dotted throughout the world. Not only that, the way we create and conduct ceremony is totally unique. The only other people who conduct marriage ceremonies the way we do, are a small group of Priestess’ in the Glastonbury Goddess Temple.
If you are spiritually inclined, then we can bring the divine to your ceremony.
Choosing a celebrant for your ceremony means you have absolute freedom over one of the most significant moments of your life. You can have 20 readings if you wished, you could even get married on a dinghy cast out on a lake! The choice is completely yours. Celebrants work closely with you to create your ideal ceremony. Your ceremony is flexible and adaptable with a Sacred Celebrant at its helm.
For ceremonies within Cornwall I do not charge. For ceremonies out of this area I charge the government recommended amount of 45p per mile. This is counted from the Cornwall border closest to your chosen location. Any overseas travel and/or overnight accommodation must be paid in full by yourself.